
Earning $PALM

Roleplaying and Activities: Players earn $PALM through engaging in roleplay, completing missions, holding jobs, and participating in game events. Different professions and activities could offer varying $PALM rewards based on difficulty and risk.

Staking NFTs: Players can stake their character NFTs to earn a passive income in $PALM. The amount earned will depend on the character's rarity, skills, reputation, and in-game achievements.

Owning Businesses and Properties: Owning and managing in-game businesses, properties, and vehicles can generate $PALM income through rent, sales, and resource production.

Trading and Market Activities: Players can trade $PALM and other in-game items on a decentralized exchange within the game. Additionally, crafting rare items and successfully participating in auctions or raffles could yield $PALM rewards.

Spending and Trading $PALM

In-game Purchases: Use $PALM to purchase exclusive items, weapons, vehicles, properties, cosmetics, and access to premium areas or events.

Upgrading NFTs: Invest $PALM to upgrade your NFTs, enhancing their skills, attributes, and visual appearance, potentially increasing their staking rewards and market value. Community Rewards: Donate $PALM to the DAO treasury to support server development, fund community events, and contribute to charity initiatives.

Trading on External Marketplaces: Players can trade $PALM on external cryptocurrency exchanges.

Real-world Value Proposition

Fluctuating Token Price: $PALM price on external exchanges would be influenced by in-game demand, server popularity, and overall economic activity. Skilled players and successful entrepreneurs within the Palm Island ecosystem could see their earned $PALM appreciate in value.

NFT Marketplace: Rare and valuable character NFTs with high staking rewards and in-game achievements could hold significant real-world value, attracting collectors and investors.

Last updated